In August 2020, our company was contracted by Bupa Aged Care at Edithvale, Victoria, to provide terminal cleaning and regular touchpoint cleaning due to a severe COVID19 outbreak.
Four of the previous service provider’s workers had contracted COVID-19 as a total of 34 staff and 44 residents became infected.
With a safety-first attitude, our company helped Bupa control and eliminate COVID-19 at the facility without compromising the safety of residents or workers.
We provided 12-hour coverage to the facility, seven days a week, with four touchpoint cleaners dedicated to each zone to eliminate cross contamination.
Twelve workers undertook two split shifts of eight hours to manage fatigue and exhaustion, with four employees providing backup and rotation.
All workers engaged at the site received the Australian Government’s Department of Health online infection-control training and had flu vaccinations before commencing work at the facility.
By September 16, the aged-care facility had been declared COVID free.