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See what the naked eye can’t see, with a Thermal Imaging preventative maintenance plan. Overheating electrical appliances can cause a safety risk, costing you money in the long run and draining operational efficiency without you even knowing.
Deteriorating electrical equipment via loose or corroded connections and joints, insulation resistance breakdown or worn parts can cause overloading to your electrical systems or cause phase imbalances that lead to failure.
These failures could result in small issues and, at their worst, ignite fires that could have a disastrous impact on your business’ operations.
To assess the likelihood of this happening requires more than conventional checks such as routine maintenance or periodic tests and inspections.
That’s where ServiceFM’s Thermal Imaging testing can help your business. Thermal Imaging of an energised and loaded system can provide an instant fault diagnosis which can be immediately reported on and actioned by our highly trained technicians.
ServiceFM’s Thermal Imaging inspections cover main switch-rooms, switchboards, distribution boards and sub-boards, with the following benefits:
- WHS compliance;
- Reduced maintenance costs;
- Increased energy efficiency;
- Reduced downtime and increased operational efficiency;
- Meeting all insurance requirements and reduced insurance premiums.
A detailed Thermal Imaging report is provided with every service, detailing all remedial actions required to make your business safe and compliant.